Insurgency in Balochistan

Forgotten War: Insurgency in Balochistan Pakistan

Insurgency in Balochistan. Balochistan is Pakistan`s largest but poorest province making up more than 40 percent of the country. Balochistan has been a troubled province for a very long time however the recent up-stretch in violence is because of multiple factors one being the discrimination of Baloch people. Between, socio-political issues, the core issue of Balochistan include economic inequality, Development issues, and missing person cases. Pakistan army is conducting a secret war in Balochistan.

Insurgency in Balochistan

Insurgency in Balochistan

Balochistan peoples demand greater control over Baluchistan’s resources and mineral riches which have been used in other provinces of Pakistan but are not beneficial for the Balochi people. Our minds are being socially constructed that the Pakistan army is fighting to bring peace and stability however the reality is completely different. In the name of peace and stability, the Pakistan army has demolished the rights of the Balochi people. Militant groups are struggling to bring peace and stability to Balochistan because counterfeit has been given to people for the last 60 years by politicians and the Pakistan army.

Balochistan was forcefully occupied and annexed by the Pakistan forces it wasn’t part of Pakistan. Under the circumstances, the KHAN of KALAT had to sign an accession treaty

Insurgency in Balochistan, One of the most prominent leaders killed was NAWAB AKBAR KHAN BHUGTI at the age of 80 the rebellion when General Pervez Musharraf was president. Mushihad Hussain government Negotiator says“We found Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti very reasonable and amenable to compromise willing to discuss and was ready to settle the disputes

But unfortunately, there is a mindset in Pakistan in the Pakistan establishment and military bureaucracy that mindset is unwilling to concede the legitimate rights of Balochistan.”

 Due to the immaturity of the Pakistan army, the negotiations failed the Pakistani army brutishly attacked Akbar Bhugti`s home village in December 2005. Akbar Bugti was brutishly killed by the Pakistan army along with thirty-two of his tribesmen.

Insurgency in Balochistan, Perwaz Musharraf proved that he does not have a single decent bone in his body here we can see the ideology of the Pakistan army.  Thus, they still want to overrule everything in Balochistan. They have assimilated a lesson from the partition of Bangladesh. They are again miscalculating that through their colonialist mindset and power show they could save the partition of Balochistan from Pakistan.

Despite all these incidents, the Pakistan army expected that the people would welcome them and say that they were the well-wishers of Balochistan Now here a question arises looking at this inconsistency how do the Balochi people support the Pakistan army? The death of Akbar Bugti fueled the below of rebellion.

Insurgency in Balochistan, The Pakistan army continued to blame the sardars they didn’t want development in Balochistan provinces but couldn’t answer the question of what about those sardars who were not anti-development rather they were pro-establishment there was not any development in these areas.

After decades of patience, the chiefs and people of Balochistan are not willing to have dialogues as they heard the Pakistani government’s words of reconciliation before and felt nothing had ever come of them. Voice of AZAD Balochistan is increasing rapidly as human rights violations which Balochi people have been facing since they became a part of Pakistan.

Exiled Baloch activists held a protest outside the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva. They wanted to stop the genocide of the people of Balochistan and the war crimes committed by the Pakistan army.

CPEC is going to benefit only China. Pakistan is claiming CPEC is a mega project and this going to change the whole region but the irony is that Balochistan is being again knocked back. It has intensified the ground realities even worse. The more that the Pakistan army leans toward extremism the more Balochistan becomes conservative.

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