Afghanistan Taliban takeover

Afghanistan Taliban takeover 2022

Afghanistan Taliban takeover, Finally, the military fight of American troops left Afghanistan just before midnight on August 31 in Kabul after 20 years of war. As of today, the U.S. has airlifted more than 120,000 American civilians and Afghan allies out of Kabul almost all of them in the last two-plus weeks.

Frank Mackenzie commander of U.S. central command “ I`m here to announce the completion of our withdrawal from Afghanistan and the end of the military mission to evacuate American citizens, third country Nations, and vulnerable Afghans.

Afghanistan Taliban takeover

Afghanistan Taliban takeover, A year after the Americans left Afghanistan Taliban took over control of the country. After the Taliban came into power Afghanistan faced numerous challenges from all over the world and not a single country in the world officially recognized them. all this change has created a massive economic shock that affected everyone. Humanitarian crises have arisen in a very short period Reports from the UN World Food Program say more than 22 million Afghans don’t have enough to eat.

Afghanistan Taliban takeover, Afghanistan’s sovereign assets held abroad are frozen which were about 9 billion US dollars. A recent UN report highlighted that under the Taliban women and girls, in particular, have been subjected to severe restrictions on their human rights, resulting in exclusion from most aspects of everyday and public life. Poverty has been on its peek after the international economic sanctions were imposed on Afghanistan

Abdul Qahar Balkhi  Taliban spokes person “It is always one of the main points of our discussion we try to balance it in terms of, try to get them to understand that we have different values different religious beliefs our society operates on a different level than that of the united states for the western hemisphere”.

Afghanistan Taliban takeover, To run the country, and make up for some of the lost foreign aid. so for example, they are trapping Afghanistan’s natural resources and trying to boost trade with neighboring countries, like Pakistan.

Afghanistan Taliban takeover
Map of Afghanistan.

Humanitarian disasters are unfolding in Afghanistan due to multiple sanctions and frozen aid during the pandemic and now massive drought has made hunger endemic across the country Afghanistan.2022 emergency watch list and the UN warning that as many as one million children could die this winter. Visit member reports that children in hospitals are struggling simply to stay alive. Food insecurity hunger and starvation are increasing rapidly. Here a question arises the international community be able to rescue in time to save Afghan citizens? As the USA claims to be a  protector of human rights it is their responsibility to remove the sanctions and open the trade for Afghanistan to save the citizens of the country.

Child trafficking in Afghanistan is rising many families have little choice but to sell their children due to food insecurity, especially in the rural provinces of Afghanistan. Since the Taliban took power again Afghanistan grinding poverty has grown worse and its children have to suffer the most. trafficking in children is widespread here in Afghanistan.

A mother named Maria and her four children are going hungry .she already given away two other sons and sold one daughter for the equivalent of 280 euros she stated that she couldn’t feed them or provide clothing because she does t have the money. Child trafficking girls are more valuable than boys some are married off at an extremely young age. Human rights organizations have tried to end this practice for 20 years but there was no success found in them. Other girls are sexually abused and also sold to neighboring countries for the same purpose. The suicide rates among young women have been rising for years.

Afghanistan Taliban takeover

Afghanistan Taliban takeover, Malnourished children are estimated that about half of the Afghan population suffers from malnutrition. The situation is deteriorating in this country and especially children are suffering it is unbelievable to see that families are willing to sell their children to feed other family members. It’s the right time for the humanitarian community to stand up and stay with the people of Afghanistan. 

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