Industrial Revolution

Fourth Industrial Revolution in the 21st Century


The World is Heading Toward the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The challenges facing our world are growing rapidly. The world Is changing today we stand on the brink of a fourth industrial revolution one that will transform the way we work. There`s a group of technologies that are combining to create transformation across almost every industry at the moment and those technologies include things like Artificial intelligence 3D printing robotics and big data in addition to terms Genetics and medical imaging and these things are combined in a way that`s bringing about a host of transformative changes across industries. 

Industrial Revolution

The world has seen three revolutions before the advent of mechanization then electronic and then digital revolutions all profoundly changed the world’s economies but this revolution could be even more disruptive. In previous revolutions, you could talk about the industrial revolutions what was changing, and how things were made factories industry often heavy industry particular. Here you`re seeing transformation across a whole range of not just industry but services and the creation of whole new business models that didn`t exist before. 

Industrial Revolution

What`s different a little bit about this particular revolution is that it gets into a whole range of things that people only thought were ever possible for humans to do. At the heart of this fourth revolution is Artificial intelligence the ability of machines to match and perhaps one day surpass the cognitive ability of their human. 

 what`s happening now is a big deal, It is making a big difference in the way people live and the way people interact with each other it is sort of obliterating distance it is in some cases removing humans from tasks that we once thought were the sole province of the human mind these analytic tasks that we thought only a human brain could do we`re suddenly finding that algorithms can do that machines can do. 

 Artificial intelligence

These are early days in the brave new world of artificial intelligence but the potential benefits are vast. Liberating benefits of artificial intelligence if you think about something just like driverless cars or autonomous vehicles which is one use of Artificial intelligence. People are talking about that could have a liberating impact on a lot of people`s lives if you think about older people who can no longer drive they`re very shut in their houses and are becoming independent because of artificial intelligence. 

Drug development

Likewise, you`re seeing with big data that this may have a profound impact on drug development that you`ll find new pharmaceuticals being developed at a faster rate to cure diseases because the computers are essentially able to sort through the data and pick up connections that otherwise would be missed. For health and particular the advantages of machine learning data science are immense those have an incredible chance to address very infrequent diseases and diseases that affect different parts of the population very differently if we were going to cure cancer it`s probably going to come through data science. 

Technological revolution

But there Is potentially a darker side to this technological revolution one which could profoundly change the world of work. A technological revolution will cost jobs in areas with the biggest advancements. If you look far enough into the future there is no job. We may already be starting to see the effect on the wider economy in the first decade of this century the net total number of jobs created in the United States was zero.  Throughout history, technology has always disrupted economies and societies. In the late 19th century 50 percent of US workers were employed on farms by 2000 it was less than two percent.  

Healthcare is one area of the economy already adapting to this disruption and in this field, researchers hope that intelligent humans and intelligent]nt machines can work together for everyone’s benefit 

Fourth Industrial Revolution

Urban population

This is the city’s age for the time in human history more people live in urban than rural settlements. The world`s urban population is growing by 70 million people each year 301 cities account for 50 percent of the global GDP. This will rise to 66 percent by 2025. So if we don`t get things right then the consequences for humanity are profound. Cities are critically important to the global economy and to progress in the global economy however, cities are sources of 19 hundred 12 of the world`s biggest cities were in North America or Europe 100 years later this number has fallen to just two.

Most of the biggest cities of the future will be in developing economies of Asia and Africa. Most of the growth in cities is going to be In China, India, and Nigeria. These three countries will account for 37 of the world`s urban population. 

Fourth Industrial Revolution


The world of work is still dominated by men. In the Middle East and North Africa, only 25 percent of women are economically active. Globally three-quarters of unpaid work is done by women and even in North American companies, 25 percent of female employees feel their gender has held them back. This is the Gender gap it`s been around for a long time. The organization has a lot of power in our world the elected government big companies the education structure the medical systems all of these things are being dominated by Men at the top and that`s largely a result of the history of the 20th century. 

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