Qatar court

Death sentence in Qatar court 2023

Qatar court, The story of eight Indian Navy veterans jailed in Qatar. The Eight Indian retired Naval Officers were lodged in Qatar for over a year. Last year Qatar’s intelligence agency conducted an operation in Dahra Global Technology a defence services provider company, in which eight retired Indian Naval Officers were working and the intelligence reported that these officers were involved in spying on a Submarine Programme on behalf of Israel.

In 2020, the Qatar government signed a (MOU) with the Italian-based shipbuilding firm Fincantieri SPA to build submarines. This was a large project which involved the construction of a Naval base. The Submarines that Qatar was seeking were advanced submarines named U212 Submarines.

Qatar court

Qatar court

On October 26, 2023, the eight Indian officers were sentenced to death in Qatar. The Indian government says it is shocked, and the government is waiting for the detailed Judgment. The Indian government is looking for all the legal options. The convictions of Indian Naval officers will affect the relations between India and Qatar.

Will Qatar follow through with the death sentences or will commuting them as part of a deal with India will be a big challenge?

Qatar court

 Over the past number of weeks, Canadian Security agencies have actively pursued credible allegations of a potential link between agents of the government of India and the killing of a Canadian Citizen Hardeep Singh. The Canadian official said that “ they will protect Canadian sovereignty and have expelled a top Indian diplomat from Canada. At the current time PM Narendra Modi has cultivated a strongman image through an overseas assassination campaign that has extended into Canada.

According to my assessment, these current events will not only deeply affect Modi`s reelection campaign as India heads to words the general elections in 2024, but in current times as the world is facing numerous challenges including conflict between Palestine and Israel and the involvement of great power including India will deeply affect India`s bilateral relations with the regional powers and will pot-rate a negative image of India in the Global Community.

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