International Politics

National Security

America New National Security Strategy( NSS) 2021

Introduction America National Security Strategy in 2021. White House traditionally releases its foreign policy document. This document has interim guidance which had not been done before was done about a year ago in March. This national defense strategy is prioritizing China and the China challenge. It’s clear that China probably poses the biggest National security threat to

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Pakistan failed

Pakistan failed to counter affected by climate change in 2022

Introduction Pakistan failed to counter the effects of climate change, In August this year, Pakistan was inundated with its worst flood in living memory. The rains have seized however a second crisis is looming diseases, starvation, and homelessness. Pakistan does have a direct relationship with the warming climate. Damages from the floods have cost the

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US summit

US summit in Africa from 2014 to 2022

Introduction US summit, President Joe Biden is hosting a three-day summit with African leaders it comes as China is investing heavily in the continent and Russia is involved in regional conflicts. US President Joe Biden has invited 49 African heads of state and leaders of the African Union to Washington D C. Joe Biden hopes

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US-Israeli military Alliance against Iran 2020

Introduction US-Israeli military Alliance, Israel, and the US are teaming up for first-of-its-kind military cooperation on Israel’s most significant military drill ever, and it’s all about striking Iran’s nuclear facilities.“Israeli defense minister Benny Gantz stressed the importance of dealing with Iran. Iran continues accumulating irreversible knowledge and experience in developing, researching, producing, and operating advanced centrifuges. It

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Traditional Automobile

End of Traditional Automobile Industry in the 21st Century

traditional Automobile, Volkswagen is caught in a price war In China, slashing prices in a desperate bid to hold on to its Market position because competition has become fierce in the country, and its foreign car makers are at a huge loss, their sales are slowing, and their market share is shrinking. Now, Chinese car

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