I'm Hunzalah Hussain Qasrani, Founder of PoliticsInfos and a follower of the English school of thought. Over the past 2 years, I have worked on numerous research domains including International Relations, Geoeconomics, Health, and the Military domain.

National Security

America New National Security Strategy( NSS) 2021

Introduction America National Security Strategy in 2021. White House traditionally releases its foreign policy document. This document has interim guidance which had not been done before was done about a year ago in March. This national defense strategy is prioritizing China and the China challenge. It’s clear that China probably poses the biggest National security threat to

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Pakistan failed

Pakistan failed to counter affected by climate change in 2022

Introduction Pakistan failed to counter the effects of climate change, In August this year, Pakistan was inundated with its worst flood in living memory. The rains have seized however a second crisis is looming diseases, starvation, and homelessness. Pakistan does have a direct relationship with the warming climate. Damages from the floods have cost the

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American Dominancy

American dominancy is Over 2023

Introduction American dominancy. The world says America is losing its power, America reeled from its failed war in Afghanistan. It’s the latest in a catalog of problems, from increasing social division and political paralysis at home to its seeming inability to lead a global mission. This against the backdrop of an increasingly dominant China had led many to

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US-Israeli military Alliance against Iran 2020

Introduction US-Israeli military Alliance, Israel, and the US are teaming up for first-of-its-kind military cooperation on Israel’s most significant military drill ever, and it’s all about striking Iran’s nuclear facilities.“Israeli defense minister Benny Gantz stressed the importance of dealing with Iran. Iran continues accumulating irreversible knowledge and experience in developing, researching, producing, and operating advanced centrifuges. It

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Industrial Revolution

Fourth Industrial Revolution in the 21st Century

The imminent Fourth Industrial Revolution, driven by advances in artificial intelligence (AI), 3D printing, robotics, big data, genetics, and medical imaging, is expected to transform industries and services, creating new business models. This revolution has potential benefits such as autonomous vehicles and improved drug development but may also lead to job losses. Additionally, urbanization is leading to major shifts in global GDP distribution, with larger cities emerging in developing economies. Despite these advancements, gender inequality remains an issue in the workplace.

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